Category: Devotional Writings

The Unfailing Compassion of God

In the almost 11 months, I’ve learned to wait for the Lord and to keep my hope in Him. When I’m gripped with despair and grief, waiting can be a challenging endeavor. However, by anchoring my hope in God’s faithfulness, I have cultivated a patient trust that enables me to continue to endure and find strength. In the waiting, I have learned to surrender my fears and anxieties, resting in the assurance that God is working on my behalf – just as these words promise.

To the Land That I Will Show You

Future tense, will. Not past tense, have shown; not present tense, am showing. But, future tense, WILL.

Love Your Brother

The world we live in is a scary place, my friends. The hate over politics, ethnicity, cultural differences, skin tones – it doesn’t seem to be getting better. It seems to be getting worse. The news is filled with horrible words, rash judgement, ignorance, and speech designed to fan the flames of hate and further divide the chasm between us.

The Lord Your God Is In Your Midst

Beloved, The Mighty One loves you! He is in your midst. Think about that! The Creator of the Universe, who knows the placement of every speck of sand of every beach in every planet in every galaxy in the sky is in YOUR midst. You are not alone and He KNOWS you! He will save. And He will rejoice with you!

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Don’t get wrapped up in the divisions. Don’t let the despair of this world destroy your joy. In the times of tumultuous uncertainty, in a world where leaders of nations mock each other about the size of their nuclear buttons, we can cling to the peace that Jesus left us and know that He has a purpose for us, and He has gifted us in ways that are beautifully unique to each one of us.

Shine With the Gifts God Has Given You

Don’t let the world take from you what God has given you! When we devalue our time or our work – or even ourselves – in the name of humbleness or modesty or some misplaced fear of pretentiousness, then we’re basically squandering our gifts.

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