Category: Newsletter

Birthday Bash Scavenger Hunt Announcement!

Here’s the catch: you must be subscribed to my newsletter by March 2nd at 9:59AM in your time zone to be able to enter this scavenger hunt. The information on how to play is only going to be available in the newsletter that is going out at 10:00AM through every time zone.

Want a Free eBook?

If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll receive the ebook of On The Ropes for free!

I originally wrote this book to be included in a box set about stories that involved some sort of hidden identity. Doing a character in witness protection was an easy choice. When I sat down to start writing, this story just flowed out of me and enveloped me from the very first day.

If You Aren’t Signed Up, You Missed Out!

I sent a gift out to everyone who is subscribed to my newsletter offering a free ebook out of all of my books. I let each person choose what book he or she wanted and sent them a coupon to get it free at Smashwords.

Newsletter Announcement!

I just finished putting together April’s newsletter, which will publish Tuesday morning at 10AM EST. This newsletter is packed full of information about upcoming releases and current projects. If you aren’t already subscribed, you might want to go ahead and sign up. I also send release announcements and purchase links to newsletter recipients — something that may get lost in the social media noise.

Click here to subscribe to my newsletter

Newsletter Signup & Giveaway

The next newsletter will be going out on February 4th! Since Facebook only allows about 50-60 people out of the over 2,050 who have “liked” my page to even see what I post, and since Twitter and Google+ are very “noisy” and hard to pick out actual meat, I generate a monthly newsletter and sending occasional email alerts. So that you don’t miss announcements and news, you can sign up for that by entering your email address in this box below.