Do you feel worthless? Do you feel unloved? Do you think that you have no value in this life? Do voices whisper in your ear the lies that you’re ugly and unappreciated?
Beloved, the Mighty One loves you! He is in your midst. Think about that! The Creator of the Universe, who knows the placement of every speck of sand of every beach in every planet in every galaxy in the sky is in YOUR midst. You are not alone and He KNOWS you! He will save. And He will rejoice with you!
We were made in His image, and He has gifted us and equipped each of us in abundance so that we can grow even closer to Him. Throughout scripture we can see ourselves reflected back the way God sees us!
You are:
Beautifully and wonderfully made
Born again
New creation in Christ
God’s own possession
More than a conqueror
Free from sin
Joint heir with Jesus
Ambassador of Christ
Sealed by His Spirit
Temple of the living God
Created in His image and Likeness
Holy and blameless
Dearly beloved