Name That Fictional Town Winner!

Texas Diamond 1 smallI had so many great entries for “Name That Fictional Town”. The one that I chose was Leah’s. Here is her response:

Lamar, Texas, named after Hedy Lamar. Not only was she an actress, but she also helped create the ‘Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum’ which prevented American military messages from being intercepted by the enemy.

The reason I chose Hedy (there is already a Lamar, Texas, so I’m going with the first name) is because it completely stays congruent with the spirit of the series. All of the cover models are true heroines of the war and their stories are told at the end of every book, and all of the main characters are inspired by true heroines, and their stories are told at the end of the books. Because Hedy Lamar is a heroine of her time, my fictional town in Texas is now called Hedy.

Thank you every one who participated. I hate coming up with names. The more I write, the more I will come with these kind of fun contests!

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    • Debi on January 29, 2015 at 11:16
    • Reply


    • Dana on January 29, 2015 at 11:37
    • Reply


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