An Interview with Author Kimberly Rose Johson

Welcome to Readers Write to Know! I asked you, my readers, what questions they would ask their favorite authors if given the chance. This week, I’m so happy to introduce you to Kimberly Rose Johnson! I admire anyone who loves music. I don’t have an “ear” for it, so it’s something that’s almost like a puzzle to me. I wrote the Song of Suspense series so that I could try to get into the heads of characters who make music their lives. Kimberly Rose has a degree in music and used to teach piano! Read on to learn even more about her and to learn about her latest release. AND — if you want — check out my interview on her website where I talk about Grace’s Ground War.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.   I’m a wife and mother of two boys. One is away at college, the other is a senior in high school. I write when my family is not home, and I love the creative process. Before I was published, I taught piano lessons and thoroughly enjoyed it for eighteen years.

I have a degree in Behavioral Science and a minor in music. I think my degree lends itself well to getting into my character’s heads. Several of my books include musicians, lol. I can’t help myself.

Tell us about your current release.  A Match for Meghan is my current release.


The veterinary assistant never backs down from a dare…and what greater challenge than finding die-hard bachelor Ben Young his ideal mate? But what’s an incurable cupid to do when the handsome vet turns the tables and asks her out?

Ben is perfectly content with his single life. And he figures there’s only one way to get the petite dynamo to quit her matchmaking—date her himself! But his plan backfires when he realizes that Meghan could be The One. Can he convince a woman who believes in happy endings for everyone but herself that he’s her Mr. Right?

If you knew ahead of time your book would benefit only one person on their spiritual journey, would you still write it? Absolutely! It’s impossible to know the impact that one person will have on the lives around them. As a child my mom was invited to church by a friend. My mom went and liked it, so she started to attend, and then she talked her parents into going. They ended up bringing the whole family and the legacy has spread down the line. One person has affected the lives of countless others.

A Match for Meghan Header 9780373487660 (506x800)Do you feel pressured to compromise your standards in order to reach a larger audience or be more successful? No. I write what’s in my heart to write. If I don’t, there’s no point in writing.

How do you push past the fear of your writing being average and be bold enough to sell it to a publisher(or agent or audience if you self publish)? I have faith in my critique partners and my agent. I know they will tell me if something needs work or is not ready. I’m naturally bold — lol.

What is your personal, most effective way to get past writer’s block? I do something other than writing. I find if I can get away from my story and stop thinking about it, my subconscious chews on the problem and the story begins to flow in my head again.

How did you determine whether to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher? Currently I am only traditionally published. That will change in July though, when I indie publish a box set with five other writers. I choose to begin indie publishing because my publisher cancelled the line that I write for. I don’t want too much time to pass before I have a new release. I have one more book coming out with Heartsong Presents in March, so I think July is about right.

What made you take the plunge and finally do it? I suppose to prove I could.

Do you have your plotline and character development already laid out before you begin writing a book, or do they develop as you write? All of my Heartsong books were plotted chapter by chapter, but as I wrote, the story sometimes deviated from the original plan. My indie book that I’m currently working on has been more conceptual. I know the basics, but I’m filling in the rest as I write. It is actually taking me longer to write this way, since when something doesn’t work I have to go back and re-write it until it does. I will probably go back to my old way of plotting after this book.

Do you have pre-determined length in mind when you first begin a book? Yes, always.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers? Study the craft, join writer’s groups, go to writer’s conferences, enter contests, and don’t be afraid of constructive criticism. You can learn a lot from a judge’s comments, or a critique partner who is further along than you.

You may contact Kimberly via her website or on Facebook or Twitter

You can purchase Kimberly’s books at:



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    • Kimberly Rose on January 28, 2015 at 16:29
    • Reply

    Thanks for featuring me and my book, Hallee. 🙂

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