Many things about navigating the parenting world of an autistic child are challenging. I never thought something like “Bees in the Garden” could have the potential to open our eyes to a very real and complex issue that could potentially be future-altering in a positive way.
Tag: parenting autism
Autism Awareness Month Podcast Interview
I had the pleasure of being a guest on What’s Your Story with Hannah and Stephani this week. Because it’s Autism Awareness Month, we talked about parenting a child with autism. We also talked about writing, meeting Yeshua, coffee, and my near-birth in a helicopter!
Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 8/10/20 – The Whys and Whatfors of Homeschooling
Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m talking about our decision to homeschool our 7th and 8th graders, and how we came to that decision.
Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 4/27/20 – Autism Awareness, Hallee’s Brew, Temperance’s Trial
Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m talking about autism awareness week, the rewrite of my WWII novella TEMPERANCE’S TRIAL, and answering the question, “I’m always looking for yummy coffee… When will Hallee’s Brew be available?”
Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 3/30/20
Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m talking about daily social distancing and this week’s spring break holiday.
Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 3/23/20 – Social Isolation Week 2 – Autism – Book Anniversary – 5-Book Giveaway!
Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m talking about the first week of homeschooling and autism, my 8-year anniversary of publishing, the 5-book ebook I’m giving away, speaking, teaching, and a 4-books for 1 paperback sale.