My Office

I think all of my years in corporate America has my mind conditioned to where I’m more productive and where I’m not. I’ve tried writing at the dining room table, and I’ve tried sitting on my couch and working, but I have always worked best at my desk. That’s one of the reasons that makes it hard to work when it’s just me and the boys. My office is removed from the rooms where they’re more likely to play, and I’m not very comfortable with that.

Here is my desk.

I have a series of resources right at my fingertips. Either for homemaking:

or writing:

I have fun little toys, encouragement, and things to fiddle with when I’m trying to figure out what to write next:

This is not just an office. It’s a room in my basement. Behind me is this:

And I’m right next to the laundry room:

Our dream home will have an office that Gregg and I share on the main floor of our home. But for now, this works for me.  I love the big white board next  to the desk — you can probably see how I was working out some plotting elements for my current work in progress, Song of Retribution.

I’ve contemplated moving my kitchen table out of the kitchen and putting a work space in there, but, honestly, I like this space. I like that I can personalize it with masks from a trip to New Orleans or Corporal Hicks from the movie Aliens. I like that it’s MY space, where I write and blog, and not where I spend a good portion of the rest of my day. I also like that I can hand the boys off to Gregg or Kaylee, shut the basement door, and not be bothered.

Even when all of the kids are in school this year, I will be working down in my office rather than the unoccupied main part of the house. It’s fascinating how my mind clicks into work mode as soon as I sit down in that chair. My dog Nina crawls into the crawl space under the desk and the two of us work quietly together. Sometimes I blog, sometimes I write, but I almost always am working and not playing.

Almost. Heh.
Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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  1. I guess I’m conditioned too, because I’m more comfortable working at my desk. I enjoyed the pics of your work space. I have the book “Where to Find it in the Bible” on my shelf too. I’d like to recommend another reference book to you – A Novel Idea: Best Advice on Writing Inspirational Fiction. It’s a compilation of articles from authors such as Jerry B. Jenkins, Robin Jones Gunn, Brandilynn Collins and Karen Kingsbury (to name only a few). The ISBN is 978-1-4143-2994-9.

    Also, I too have a dog named Nina. She’s a Chihuahua/Min Pin mix. She has too much energy to work quietly with me, but my long-haird Chihuahua, Romeo, loves to lay at my feet while I’m working.

    Great post! Thanks for sharing a little about your writing “personality” via your work area.

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