
Interview: Kimberley Payne

What inspired you to start writing, or did you always want to write?

I always wrote, although not for publication. What inspired me to want to share my writing was a personally difficult time in my life. I wanted to share with other mothers what I had learned and offer them encouragement and hope.

How did you determine whether to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher?

Impatience and laziness, I suppose. I didn’t want to wait the time it took to send out query letters and proposals to a traditional publisher so I went the self-publish route.

What made you take the plunge and finally do it?

I had determined from the start to share with others what I’d learned. I’m a teacher at heart and wanted to get my message out there for others.

Have you always wanted to write a book?

Yes. I found an old goal-planning worksheet which had “write a book” alongside “learn to drive a motorcycle” and “plant a Christmas tree farm”. I’ve checked off the first one but have yet to fulfill my other two dreams.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Read. Read. Read. Read works in your preferred genre, but also try different types of books that you may not otherwise read.

What is your preferred method of writing? (computer, pen & paper, etc.)

I usually write my devotionals in a journal first and then transfer them to the computer. But for non-fiction, I like to work from my keyboard.

How did you make the initial step into writing your first novel. What were some of your major roadblocks and how did you overcome them?

I started to write out scenes from my memory into a journal. My novel was based on a true story so it was relatively easy to take the first step. I found it difficult to condense real life of 4 years into a story that spanned only a year. I overcame roadblocks with lots of prayer for solutions.

What is your inspiration for writing?

Much of my writing comes out of daily living. If I learn something new through a friend, radio program or a walk in the woods I like to share it with others.

I’m always intrigued by how writers get started…did you always have these books inside you and knew that you wanted to write them or did the idea just pop into your head one day and you decided to put pen to paper?

I knew I wanted to write a book. I always thought I would start with a children’s book. I actually wrote a few books at the same time, working on whichever book fit my mood that day. I get lots of ideas and work on them simultaneously. Right now I’m working on a women’s health devotional and a children’s science book.

Where to find Kimberly online:


Fitness Blog:

Devotional Blog:


Facebook: Kimberley Payne, author & speaker

YouTube: Fit4Faith channel


Where to buy the book Fit for Faith
Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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  • Melissa Main Posted August 15, 2012 10:16

    Thank you for posting the interview of Kimberley Payne. It is interesting to note how God uses difficult times in our lives to inspire us to write.

    • Kimberley Payne Posted August 19, 2012 18:57

      I agree, Melissa! I always wanted to write and God showed me how writing can be such great therapy to get through difficult times.

  • Sandra McLeod Humphrey Posted August 15, 2012 16:25

    Congratulations on “Fit for Faith” and I love the title! I’ll definitely check it out and, Hallee, thanks for hosting Kimberley!

    • Kimberley Payne Posted August 19, 2012 18:58

      Thanks Sandra. The title came to me very early in the writing process and I just couldn’t shake it. I’m glad you love it!

  • Lorilyn Roberts Posted August 15, 2012 17:28

    We are a lot alike. And I am with you on that impatient trait. No way I would wait on a traditional publisher once my book is finished. I want to see it on Amazon! Thanks for sharing. Now I am out the door to swim and get in my exercise.

    • Kimberley Payne Posted August 19, 2012 18:59

      Hi Lorilyn. We are truly blessed to be writers in this day and age! What wonderful resources and vehicles are now available to anyone who wants to get her words out there. Enjoy your swim!

  • Lisa Lickel Posted August 15, 2012 20:40

    Hi, Kim! Lovely to see you here. Keep us the promotions–your book is valuable. I’m up to two miles a day on the treadmill, trying not to resent those minutes and going faster when I can.

    • Kimberley Payne Posted August 19, 2012 19:01

      Thanks for the encouragement, Lisa. I remember a day when I could just barely complete 5-minutes on the treadmill.l You go, girl!

  • Deborah McCarragher Posted August 15, 2012 20:50

    Great interview Kimberley and Halee. I just love hearing about everyone’s background as a writer. Fit For Faith is a great book for women – blending exercise and fitness with your spiritual fitness. Kim – I actually took a ladies Harley D class when I turned 50 because my husband and son had a motorcycle. My riding only lasted a few months – but I have no regrets. It was awesome! 🙂

    • Kimberley Payne Posted August 19, 2012 19:03

      Thanks Deborah. God definitely wants to be part of our lives…every day all day. I’d love to buy one of the new 3 wheel motorcycles; Spyder. You’re an inspiration taking a Harley Class at age 50!

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