Christian Fiction Friday: February 19th

Welcome to this week’s edition of Christian Fiction Friday brought to you by me and my lovely and talented co-host, Alana Terry! This is a chance for Christian authors to post short snippets from their works in progress! Easy and fun!

This snippet is from a suspense novella that is currently untitled, but will be part of a romantic suspense bundle that I’m doing with my co-host Alana Terry and six other authors!

“Goodnight, doctor!” She looked up and waved at one of the nurses who had assisted in the surgery.

Her phone in her hand vibrated and she saw the incoming text from Victor.


She smiled, love flooding her heart for her husband. Digging through the pocket of her jeans, she pulled out her key fob and unlocked her car. At least now that the sun had gone down, the heat wouldn’t suffocate her and the car seat wouldn’t sear her legs when she got in the car.

As she opened the door, something came around her neck, immobilizing her. Startled, she reached up and felt a man’s arm. “Hello, Doctor Burnette,” a heavily accented voice said in her ear. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Shea sharp pain in her neck and almost immediately, her world went gray then black.

Now it’s your turn! Just link your Christian Fiction Friday! Here are the rules:

1. Christian Fiction Friday is a blog hop where authors post short (400-ish words or less) snippets from their current works in progress (not published pieces).

2. Keep it PG-13 or lower. No swearing, no sex scenes. If you have a particularly violent scene or deal with a heavy or controversial subject matter, please include a disclaimer at the beginning of your post.


1. Visit at least some of the other Christian Fiction Friday authors each week and comment on their blogs.

2. Don’t offer critiques unless the author specifically asks for it in his or her post.

3. Please include this blurb at the end of your weekly post:

Christian Fiction Friday is a weekly blog hop where authors post snippets from their current Works in Progress. It is hosted by Alana Terry and Hallee Bridgeman.

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  1. Love it!

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