Category: 7. Christmas Star Sapphire

Release Day! SIX “New Adult” Romance for Just 99 Cents!

I’m so thrilled to be a part of the CROSSROADS collection with six “New Adult” romances by today’s bestselling Christian authors. Every novella centers around a college or university. My CHRISTMAS STAR SAPPHIRE is my contribution to the set. I think Madeline Viscolli and Joe Westcott are the perfect addition to this amazing collection.

This set will only be available for a limited time and is only on Amazon! I hope you enjoy all of the stories and pray they bless you in some way!

Crossroads: Six New Adult Romance Novels for Just 99 Cents!

College is a time for discovering oneself, making life decisions, and determining the path for your life. It is truly a crossroad between adolescence and adulthood. Lives change at the CROSSROADS.

Christmas Star Sapphire Releases Today!

Today, we’re celebrating the release of Christmas Star Sapphire. This is a second generation Jewel Series novella that brings you the story of Madeline Viscolli and Joe Westcott. I have to say, that I loved every minute of writing this book and cannot wait for it to get into your hands!

Christian Fiction Friday: October 30th

This week, I’ve returned to Christmas Star Sapphire, which is second generation novella from the Jewel Series. This book releases November 1st! (Which is tomorrow for many of you!) You can find it at this link.

Christian Fiction Friday: September 11th

Welcome to this week’s edition of Christian Fiction Friday brought to you by me and my lovely and talented co-host, Alana Terry! This is a chance for Christian authors to post short snippets from their works in progress! Easy and fun!

This week, I completed the final edits in a second generation Jewel Series titled Christmas Star Sapphire. It follows the story of Madeline Viscolli and Joe Westcott. Here is a snippet from Chapter 2 (you can preorder this Christmas novella, releasing November 1st, at this link):

Christian Fiction Friday: September 4th

This week, I completed the final edits in a second generation Jewel Series titled Christmas Star Sapphire. It follows the story of Madeline Viscolli and Joe Westcott. Here is a snippet from Chapter 4 (you can preorder this Christmas novella, releasing November 1st, at this link):