What Parents Wished You Knew About the Grief of Losing a Child

I was added to a “Loss of a child” support group right after Jeb’s funeral. I don’t post a lot there because that’s not how I process this, but it regularly appears in my newsfeed because it’s a local group to where we used to live and I think there’s some algorithm that helps that …

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Fri-YAY Save 50% and Get Free Shipping!

I have a TON of paperbacks of the original Alexandra’s Appeal. I don’t know how I have so much more of those than the others, but I do.
Consequently — I’d love to order the new covers but I can’t do that until the old ones are gone!
That works out for you! Use coupon code ALEX50 to get 50% off and FREE SHIPPING! (You have to choose free shipping or it will default to priority.)

Fri-YAY Returns!

Fri-YAY is back this week with an AMAZING deal for you.
You can get ALL EIGHT of the Virtues and Valor series in ebook form for $4.99. That’s a savings of almost $20.

This is Our Grief

This image floored me. How could something as complex as the grief of having a child ripped away weeks before his 15th birthday be conveyed so astutely?

The Unfailing Compassion of God

In the almost 11 months, I’ve learned to wait for the Lord and to keep my hope in Him. When I’m gripped with despair and grief, waiting can be a challenging endeavor. However, by anchoring my hope in God’s faithfulness, I have cultivated a patient trust that enables me to continue to endure and find strength. In the waiting, I have learned to surrender my fears and anxieties, resting in the assurance that God is working on my behalf – just as these words promise.

29 Good Years

Today is my husband Gregg’s last day in military uniform. He is finishing up his National Guard drill day and will take those boots off for the last time. He will officially retire from the United States Army on Tuesday.
He’s been in for 29 years, has served in combat zones for 8 years – first in Desert Storm (with 101st Airborne) and then Operation Enduring Freedom [with 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne)]