Hallee Bridgeman

Rouladen with Gravy

Rouladen with Gravy

Rouladen is a German dish. It is thinly sliced beef, rolled up with pickles and onion. You think this won't work, until you taste it. Then you wish you'd doubled the recipe when you made it.

  • butter knife
  • toothpicks
  • sharp knife/cutting board
  • large pot with lid
  • wooden spoon
  • measuring cups/spoons
  • 12 ea small thinly sliced steaks ((tell your butcher it's four Rouladen))
  • 6 tsp spicy brown mustard
  • 2 ea large onions
  • 2 TBS olive oil (extra virgin)
  • 1 ea large bay leaf
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 1/2 cups water ((divided))
  1. Finely dice the onions .

    Dice dill pickle.

    Spread each steak with1/2 tsp mustard. Sprinkle with onion and dill pickle. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

    Roll from the thin end and secure with a toothpick.

  2. Heat extra virgin olive oil in the large pot over medium-high heat. Sear each meat roll on all sides. Remove from pan. Allow the drippings in the pan to brown.

  3. Place the meat back into the pan. Add half of an inch of water. Mix the brownings in the pan with the water. Add the remaining onion, bay leaf, and cloves. Put the lid on and turn the heat to medium low. Heat until the meat is well cooked.

  4. Remove the meat from the pan. Remove the bay leaf and cloves.

  5. Mix cornstarch with1/2 cup cold water. Bring the water and drippings in the pan to a boil. Whisk in the cornstarch mixture. Boil for one minute, then reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Find this and 49 other gravy recipes in Fifty Shades of Gravy: a Christian gets saucy!