Today’s Meltdown Brought To You By…

…the fact that I chose this as one of those battles under the adage “know when to pick your battles.”

Tomorrow is the Kentucky Derby. Seeing how we live in Central Kentucky, this is not a small thing. The Kindergarteners in the boys’ school have decorated horse heads and are racing today. The First Graders are dressed up in “Sunday best” and will be spectators of the race while wearing their Derby Hats.

All week long, I’ve prepared Scott for the inevitable fact that he will wear a shirt and tie to school today. All week long he’s informed me that he will NOT wear a shirt and tie to school today.

This morning, I allowed 15 extra minutes and got out the clothes from which I would allow him to choose and he melted down. Clothes went everywhere. Tears fell. Beds were kicked. Pillows thrown. Choices given.

Finally, compromise:

  • He could pick an outfit to pack in his backpack to change into after the race.
  • He could choose shorts or pants
  • He could choose the color of his shirt.
  • He could choose not to wear a tie, if that was what would make him feel better.

After more tears and wailing, he was finally dressed and eating breakfast. I told him I wanted a picture of him. He said, with tears streaming down his face, “But I’m not handsome without a tie!”

To which I replied, “Then put on a tie. Remember? Your choice.”


Success. Because I chose this to be a battle I picked.

And Jeb, who has been BEGGING me all year long to let him wear his suit to school wore his suit with tennis shoes -because he’ll be running the race.

I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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