The Tools We Writers Use 😂

I am a very visual person. Whenever I write a scene, I have to see a picture of it. If I put a character in a house, then I find the house I want them in online and do a virtual walk-through so that I can see each room and be able to translate what I see to my readers.

Love in Any Language starts with a battle scene. My husband Gregg, who is my editor, is former Special Forces and retired after serving in the military for 30 years. I knew he could “fix” anything I didn’t write correctly in the story. But, apparently, the battle scene I wrote in my head and never “saw” visually didn’t make any sense AT.ALL to someone who knew what it should be like.

So, he dug through our boys’ boxes of LEGOs and created a visual for me. 😂

He said, “Explain what you see.”

And as soon as I was moving pieces around on the table, I understood how I’d gotten it wrong. And suddenly I could see the battle perfectly in my head.

Sometimes, inspiration comes from the most unexpected places and in the oddest ways.

Love in Any Language is free if you sign up for my newsletter! Check it out here:


  1. Link for free book didn’t see one,how do I get my free book

    1. I fixed the post. The link is there.

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