Tag: 1. Sapphire Ice

Did You Get an E-Reader for Christmas?

E-readers are wonderful! You can load them down with thousands of books and just binge read to your heart’s content.

Here are a couple of options from my library:

Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 3/23/20 – Social Isolation Week 2 – Autism – Book Anniversary – 5-Book Giveaway!

Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m talking about the first week of homeschooling and autism, my 8-year anniversary of publishing, the 5-book ebook I’m giving away, speaking, teaching, and a 4-books for 1 paperback sale.

Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 2/3/20 – Do Your Kids Read Your Books?

Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m about my upcoming branded coffee Hallee’s Brew and answering the question, “Do your kids read your books?”

Why Do I Write Christian Fiction?

So, why Christian fiction?  Why do I add a spiritual arc to my stories? Why is the faith of each one of my characters so important to me? Why do I write about Christians in real situations, about pain and forgiveness, about decisions – made in faith or not? Why am I choosing to be labeled a “Christian” author?

Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 7/22/19 – Do You Read Reviews and What Do You Do About Negative Reviews?

Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m chatting about Space Camp, summer travels, and answering the question, “Do you read reviews and what do you do about negative reviews?”

Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 7/8 – How Emotional Is Writing for You?

Hello! Welcome to Monday morning coffee and chat! Today I’m answering the question: How emotional is writing for you?

I appreciate the question and hope you learn more about me as a writer through my answer!