Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m chatting about Space Camp, summer travels, and answering the question, “Do you read reviews and what do you do about negative reviews?”
Tag: reviews
Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 7/15/19 – Chatting from Huntsville Alabama
Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m chatting about A Melody for James, Valerie’s Verdict, plotting out the next book, and answering the question, “What is your spirit animal?”
God’s Hand in Encouragement
Word by agonizing word, this novella came out of me. It is a stand-alone, not connected to any series, so I had to create a whole new world with new people. I had to research human sex trade and the Russian mafia — a very dark kind of research. Nothing was enjoyable about this process.
30 Days of Thankfulness Day 26
I get so much feedback from people who read my books. I get such incredible letters, reviews, and messages that there are days that I’m almost afraid to keep writing because I might not be able to maintain the same standard, and there are days when I want to just shut the door and write as fast as I can to give them some more.
The Reviews Are Coming In!
As I type this, A Melody for James has 12 5-star reviews! Here is just a sampling of what readers are saying:
Amazing 5-Star Review
Just finished The Jewel Trilogy and am so emotionally moved I almost feel drained. I have never read such great Christian romance ever, and I have been reading for years, through hundreds and hundreds of books.