Many things about navigating the parenting world of an autistic child are challenging. I never thought something like “Bees in the Garden” could have the potential to open our eyes to a very real and complex issue that could potentially be future-altering in a positive way.
Tag: parenting boys
Monday Morning Chat – Boys Have No School Episode 1
I really appreciate all of the questions that I get from my readers. Today I’m joined by my boys and we’re answering reader questions about life and autism.
Autism: Boys of Summer
Yesterday, we packed up the boys up to go sign up for baseball. On the way there, Gregg told me that he felt like we should let Scott sign up for a regular team. His reasoning was that he doesn’t want to apply limits that may not be necessary to apply. He said he would rather give him an opportunity to play a regular team and if he fails, move him to the special needs team.