Tag: nicu

Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 7/6/20 – My 30-Week Preemie Story

Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m talking about my son Scott, who was born at 30 weeks, and the pastor who anointed him with oil and prayed over him in the NICU.

Nurses Are The Rockstars

During the next two weeks, we only ever talked to nurses in the NICU. We never saw the doctor. He never talked to us. He was present in the NICU, but wouldn’t come around when the parents were in the rooms. I thought that was very funny. But, we talked to the nurses all the time. My stoicness had returned, and I got to know the nurses caring for our little 3-pounder as if sitting next to them in a coffee shop. I wasn’t the panicked mom who needed reassurance. I was the calm mom who needed information as plainly as possible so that I could process it. They got that. They never condescended to me.  They ever made me feel like I should be something or some way that I wasn’t. They just loved on Scott like nothing you’ve ever seen.

Peace That Passes Understanding

As they wheeled my bed from my room to Labor & Delivery, we passed a waiting room. I looked over and saw 15 of my friends and church family on their knees holding a prayer vigil for me.

I already felt at peace, but the sight of that flooded me with the most serene calm.