Hello! Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee and Chat! Today I’m addressing writing characters who are divorced – in response to a slew of negative reviews and/or comments about it.
Tag: matthew
Not Forsaken
When Christ was on the cross, he said these words, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46).
Devotion: Let the Butterflies Remind You
Despite the fact that today will have a high of ninety degrees, autumn is starting to bloom around me in Kentucky. This morning, on my walk/run with the dogs, I passed this field of Coreopsis. It’s been in full bloom for about a week now. This morning, though, the butterflies were all over it. I’m …
Today’s Word of Promise
In my upcoming release, A Carol for Kent, I’m dealing with forgiveness within the story. And, it’s not necessarily easy. As I’m writing about a fictional character who has to forgive someone that the reader wouldn’t even think deserves forgiveness, I find that I’m examining my heart and my relationships and seeking out those people who *I* need to forgive.
Today’s Word of Promise
Today, I listened to Matthew 9 through Matthew 1.
Like the beginning of Matthew, this section is so full of Christ and so many profound words. But, one part did stand out to me: