Tag: john

Take Heart!

In this world you will have trouble. But, take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

I love that verse – probably because it is so seeped in truth. These are words in red letters – spoken by Yeshua (Jesus) just hours before his arrest.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Don’t get wrapped up in the divisions. Don’t let the despair of this world destroy your joy. In the times of tumultuous uncertainty, in a world where leaders of nations mock each other about the size of their nuclear buttons, we can cling to the peace that Jesus left us and know that He has a purpose for us, and He has gifted us in ways that are beautifully unique to each one of us.

Today’s Word of Promise

If you told me I could only keep one single book from the entire Bible, I would be torn between the gospel according to John, and the book of Acts. Honestly, I think John is my favorite book.