Tag: 3. Emerald Fire

The Jewel Trilogy 3D

Now on All Romance eBooks!

The Jewel Trilogy is now available on All Romance eBooks!

CFBR: Emerald Fire

I a honored to announce that Christian Fiction Book Review reviewed Emerald Fire!

As soon as I read the first sentence, I started getting really excited.

I recently reviewed Sapphire Ice, by Hallee Bridgeman. After reading it, I was really looking forward to the second book in her series, Emerald Fire, and I was not disappointed!

Emerald Fire 3D

Emerald Fire is Now Available in Paperback!

For those of you who prefer to hold a book in your hands instead of an electronic reader, you’ll be happy to know that Emerald Fire is now available in paperback!

Emerald Fire 3D

Cooking from a Stay at Home Mom: Emerald Fire

Lysska at Cooking from a Stay at Home Mom has given an awesome review for Emerald Fire. Among other wonderful things, she said:

Last Weekend at a Discounted Price!

This is just a reminder that this is the last weekend you can get Emerald Fire for just $0.99. On Monday, Topaz Heat will release, and the price for Emerald Fire will go up to $3.99

A Few Good Words: Emerald Fire

A Few Good Words has given Emerald Fire a wonderful review!