Tag: devotional writings

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Don’t get wrapped up in the divisions. Don’t let the despair of this world destroy your joy. In the times of tumultuous uncertainty, in a world where leaders of nations mock each other about the size of their nuclear buttons, we can cling to the peace that Jesus left us and know that He has a purpose for us, and He has gifted us in ways that are beautifully unique to each one of us.

Rejoicing Always, Praying Without Ceasing, Being Thankful in Everything

It’s easy to read that verse today. Rejoice ALWAYS. Pray WITHOUT CEASING. IN EVERYTHING give thanks.

But the fact is, there are times in life when this verse is impossible to comprehend. Some of you are reading this now thinking, “No way.”

I understand. I’ve been there.

The Beauty of the Brown Eyed Susan

We all have been given something very special by God, something that He has endowed upon us to use to serve Him, to serve our neighbor, to take care of those who are in need, to encourage others, to teach others — something given to us to use as God needs it used.

Oftentimes, we feel unimportant, plain, boring, less than that person or this person. Not as beautiful, not as delicate, not as smart, not as graceful. Our brains get flooded with less than thoughts that bring us down and make us afraid to use this gift from God because we’re afraid we’re not good enough.

Today’s Word of Promise: Zephaniah 3:17

Beloved, The Mighty One loves you! He is in your midst. Think about that! The Creator of the Universe, who knows the placement of every speck of sand of every beach in every planet in every galaxy is in YOUR midst. You are not alone and He KNOWS you! He will save. And He will rejoice with you!

Word of Promise: 2 Chronicles 8

Many days a week, I do a 4-mile aerobic walk. It takes me one hour. I listen to my Word of Promise Bible while I walk. Today, among other chapters, I listened to 2 Chronicles chapter 9.