Tag: christ

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Like This

So much has gone on in our world in the last six months. Almost 400,000 deaths from a malicious virus that never should have been, the global economy is tanking, the news is terrifying, it’s getting worse. In the U.S., terrible things have happened to people, the political climate is inciting anything but peace, there is a divide that seems insurmountable.

Just know: it’s not supposed to be like this. It was never supposed to be like this.

Devotion: Let the Butterflies Remind You

Despite the fact that today will have a high of ninety degrees, autumn is starting to bloom around me in Kentucky. This morning, on my walk/run with the dogs, I passed this field of Coreopsis. It’s been in full bloom for about a week now. This morning, though, the butterflies were all over it. I’m …

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Monday Morning Chat 3/5/18 – My Identity in Christ

I really appreciate all of the questions that I get from my readers. Today I’m talking to you about my identity in Christ and how I can use this new discovery I’ve made and let it help me parent my children.

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 24

On the heels of Day 23 and of being thankful for blogging as Hallee the Homemaker for the last four years, doing so, living my life so openly before the world has made me a target. I deal with a string of emails, comments that never get published, Facebook or Twitter messages, and even blog posts that ridicule my ideas, tear down my faith, or outright insult and threaten me. Gregg, in his creation ministry, has especially been a target.

Jesus, Yeshua, God With Us

During the Christmas season, in many households and many communities, the focus is on Jesus — specifically on baby Jesus. While it’s exciting to think about God the Son becoming flesh and dwelling with us, we often focus so much on the infant child and forget the absolute magnitude of Jesus – Yeshua – God With Us. He is almighty and all powerful, and He IS the common thread sewn throughout the Bible.

Our church’s Christmas production focused on the power of the name of Jesus, and the following is pulled from that production. This is one of those that should be printed out and saved – a reminder of the glory of God and the Eternal presence of our Christ.