Tag: about Hallee

Monday Morning Coffee and Chat 10/1/18 – ACFW, NINC, and Hallee’s Allies

Today I’m talking about the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference, Novelist Inc. Conference, and signing up for my street team. I hope you learn more about me through my response:

Monday Morning Chat: My Favorite Time Period

Hello! Welcome to Monday morning coffee and chat!

Today I’m answering the question:

You wrote a series set in World War II. Is that your favorite time period?

Perspective and Blessings

This is a busy time of year for me. It’s harvest season, and even though I didn’t put in a garden this year, I have friends who did and still find myself blessed with a bounty of produce that needs to be “put up”. For those of you who don’t do home preserving, what I mean by that is that it needs to be prepared in some way and then preserved in some way.

Worst Trip Ever

About three hours into the trip, I was very sick. Thankfully, I’d made it to a rest area. I had about 4.5 hours going in one direction, and 3 hours to get home. I felt a lot better, so I decided to keep going. I never got sick again, but I started running a fever that made my body ache, and I had to drive through this horrible, horrible storm that was hitting the Huntsville, Alabama area with 60-65 mph winds and heavy rain.


I have never been so happy to get to my hotel.

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 21

I LOVE mindless entertainment. It relaxes me and frees my mind from the constant thinking, planning, creating. It gives me a bit of a break, sometimes an hour, sometimes two — the more thrilling, the better. A good movie preview will even give me chills. Date nights revolve around movie releases. It’s silly, but I am completely okay with that.

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 20

I posted a Facebook and Twitter status yesterday and asked, “How can I pray for you today?”

It is amazing the responses I got, publicly and privately. I was blessed all day long with the ability and freedom to pray for my friends and their friends. My asking and people responding blessed others as well, and they were open in sharing how much they appreciated it.