I just recently migrated my office from my basement to my dining room. This was my old office:
Here is what it looked like in the midst of the move, when I finally felt like I had some organization happening (who knew it would take me 2 days and request me to purchase a new desk?)
So, I got everything moved and arranged and sat down to work and realized — I didn’t have my white board. Yeah – this big ugly thing:
I tried to work without it, but honestly, I was a little bit handicapped. I tried using a notebook with a pen, but it wasn’t the same. My white board is an organizational tool that my brain uses as a leftover to my career days when I had two huge white boards going in my office at all times. It think better using one. I plot better. I write better.
But there was no way that big ugly thing was coming into my dining room.
BUT — when I moved a bookshelf to take down to the basement (my old office is now lined floor to ceiling with bookshelves) I found an old cheap picture frame. It doesn’t have glass — the front is a thick plastic. I don’t even remember buying it or why I bought it. But, I checked and white board marker wipes right off of it.
So, I took a roll of wrapping paper, turned it so that the white bottom was out, wrapped the inside of the picture frame, then put it all back together and wah-lah! A moderately non-tacky white board!
I think this will work just fine — it’s a smaller space than I’m used to, but in the couple of days I’ve had to work with it, it engages my thinking/mulling part of my brain just fine. And, it doesn’t look “too” bad in the room.
(Yes — that’s a new tablecloth. have to change it every night after dinner because my boys are…well, boys.)
The next day, Kaylee was searching Pinterest (she’s totally hooked on that site) and came across a picture frame turned into a white board. She thinks I’m a total genius to have come up with something “on my own” before she saw it on Pinterest. I’m not one to dissuade that thinking. Heh.
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