Welcome to the #SnowAudio giveaway! See the Rafflecopter below to see all of the ways you can enter to win an audio book version of my romantic suspense novella On The Ropes, narrated by the fabulous Gene Rowley Voiceover.
Doctor Ruth Burnette is placed in witness protection after witnessing a Russian mafia execution. Just a week before the trial, Victor Kovalev finds her. Memories of planning her wedding with Victor are wiped clean by the vision of his father executing three men. Does he want to help her survive to her testimony, or is he trying to stop it all together?
Then, search for the #SnowAudio in your social media to find more amazing audio book giveaways! My Rafflecopter will end on December 15th at 11:59PM EST.
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On my treadmill, on my lunch break at work
I listen to audio books if I’m alone while I’m doing things such as housework, cooking, driving or out walking.
A couple years ago I was given the opportunity by my employer to work mainly from home. I listen to audio books every day while working. I also listen to audio books if I take any road trips.
I usually listen to them while I’m doing housework and when I can’t sleep at night.
I have a habit of reading the best parts of books aloud to friends and family. It’s a great way to get involved in the story. I enjoy listening to audio books in the car, and sitting in the living room. I listen in my office and with my daughter. We are actually looking into auditioning as readers. And yes, I’ve read some of your books aloud too. 🙂
I listen to audio books if I’m in a dark room with sleepy people, whether that means my littlest guy who wants mommy to wait until he falls asleep or those moments of insomnia when hubby is sleeping next to me. Audio books are a great escape for long road trips too, sometimes mommy just needs to escape when there’s no where to go!
While I am doing housework or checking emails. Just about everywhere
I Listen to Audio of most all of my books I use Text To speech function on my kindle I like to follow along with the book too. I like it because then I can continue doing household chores and stuff while still “reading” a book. Thanks
I have never listened to any audio books, however if I were to I would while doing my house chores. Well, probably not during vacuuming! LOL!
I listen anytime that I’m moving around, not holding my Kindle. Most of the time, it’s when I’m driving, cooking, ironing, or cleaning my house.
I love listening to audiobooks. I would listen to them when I do my housework, driving or walking the track.
I listen to audio books while at work!
While driving.
When I sew, crochet or cook I love listening to audio books.
I listen to audiobooks just about any place, though not so much in the car. I especially like to listen to them while I’m doing computer tasks like working on my blog/website, and also when I’m doing something with my hands like beading.
I love audiobooks and listen whenever I exercise or take walks, do chores, drive, or do work that doesn’t require thinking. They actually make me look forward to exercising and chores.