I have to say, I am T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D about a recent review on Amazon for A Melody for James by a reviewer named “mirpags”:
Hallee Bridgeman is such a great writer! She uses fiction almost like how Jesus used parables…to teach and portray a truth. I don’t normally write reviews, I just don’t have the time, but this author is definitely worth the review.
I could pull a dozen profound reviews that actually left me in tears, but this one floods my heart with joy! Why? Because this is my Mission Statement:
To prayerfully craft stories as modern day parables to uplift fellow believers and minister to seekers in our fallen world.
Wow. To have affirmation that I’m on “mission”. Wow.
Thank you so much to the reader who took the time that she stated she doesn’t have to encourage me on such a level. You have no idea.
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