Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings are my quiet mornings.  Gregg and Kaylee typically sleep in – they’re the sleepers of the family.  The boys don’t really sleep in (5:30 this morning), but once they’re up and I feed them (the only morning of the week I give them cold cereal), I put in a full length feature film for them (Spider-Man 3 this morning), and spend the next 90-120 minutes surfing Pinterest uninterrupted.

Cold cereal and a television babysitter – I know — Mom of the Year Material.

This morning, however, was a bit different.  This morning I spent a good portion of that time answering fan mail!  I often get Hallee the Homemaker mail throughout the week, and try to answer it as it comes in (or as quickly as I can get to it).  But, this morning I cleaned out my spam mail in my Hallee Bridgeman, Author, email and had fan mail that had been sitting there!

What an encouraging, uplifting, exciting morning!  It makes me (almost) want to forgo that whole Pinterest break and catch another 90-120 minutes of writing time a week.

If you’ve read any of The Jewel Trilogy, I’d LOVE to hear from you!  I would also really love it if you would leave a review wherever you bought it (or on Goodreads).  Positive reviews help people find me.
Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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