Please VOTE before 1 June!

2012 RONE Award Nominee

If you read and enjoyed either Emerald Fire or Topaz Heat, but you haven’t had a chance to vote for either one as Inspirational Novel of the Year for 2012 in the first ever RONE awards, would you/could you please take a moment and do me the great honor of voting on one of them right now?!

InD’Tale Magazine — a popular online magazine that promotes the interests of self and small press published authors, has nominated TWO of my Jewels as Inspirational Novel of the Year for 2012 in the first ever RONE awards.

You can only vote once. (And, if you haven’t read either one, Emerald Fire in ebook form is currently on sale for 99 cents until the end of the month!)

To keep the voting honest and fair, they have implemented rather rigorous voting procedure. If you are a subscriber, you get a vote. Subscriptions are still FREE! Guess what? I have an article in the JUNE edition of the magazine on page 56! It’s a recipe from my upcoming cookbook, The Walking Bread, The Bread Will Rise! So why not get the free subscription now so that you can read the article!

If you don’t want to subscribe, simply register once for free and VOTE for HALLEE!

The finalists in this round will then be read and judged by a group of professionals in the industry to determine the very best in indie and small published books of 2012. They will then be awarded the prestigious RONE award, itself, at the formal ceremonies, August 9th, at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. If I final, Gregg and I are already talking about attending the Romance Novel Convention in Las Vegas in order to attend the awards ceremonies (and will likely arrange a book signing while we’re there!)

To place your vote, go to then register or subscribe. Once you have done that, please go FUN STUFF, then RONE AWARDS then WEEK 6 and scroll down to the INSPIRATIONAL category to place your vote.

How to vote

Thank you for voting for HALLEE!

Have you read these books?

Which one is your favorite?

Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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