Welcome to Readers Write to Know! I asked you, my readers, what questions they would ask their favorite authors if given the chance. I am always excited when I have a personal friend as my guest, and this week is no exception. Rose McCauley is one of my favorite people. I met her at a local Christian writer group several years ago. It’s rare for me to read, but I did read her current release and it is SO GOOD! Make sure you check it out. I hope you enjoy Rose’s interview.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I’m a child of the King, a wife of 47 years to my college sweetheart, mother to three, and Mimi to five. I taught school for 27 years before retiring to write down the stories of some of the voices in my head.
Tell us about your current release: Surrender to Peace is my third published book, and my first to be pubbed by Olivia Kimbrell Press.
If you knew ahead of time your book would benefit only one person on their spiritual journey, would you still write it? Yes, because the Kingdom principles of surrendering to God and learning to discern his Voice are so important for all Christians, and also something I had to learn.
How do you push past the fear of your writing being average and be bold enough to sell it to a publisher(or agent or audience if you self publish)? Since I am writing for the Lord, I want it to be my best work possible, but I have to kill my own ego and write the story He gives me with the skill He has given me at this time without thinking about what others will think of my writing. God can use my feeble skills for His purposes and His glory if I am following His lead.
How did you determine whether to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher? Again, you have to seek God’s guidance in this step of the process, too. I have one book pubbed with a traditional publisher, one self-published with the help of some friends, and Surrender to Peace is with a small-press. All have been great learning experiences!
Do you have your plotline and character development already laid out before you begin writing a book, or do they develop as you write? I usually have the spiritual lesson running through my mind and/or some characters who need to learn that lesson along with their backstory that brought them to the beginning of the book. Then I plot out some major plot points and a few sentences about each chapter (although these are also subject to change as the story develops), then I begin to write and see what happens! That’s the fun part!
Do you have pre-determined length in mind when you first begin a book? It depends on whether it is a novel, novella, or short story and what the general length for each are, although when you are self-publishing or going with a small press, there is more leeway for less or more words. The best way is to use the number of words necessary to write the best story! And always edit and pray and edit some more!
What advice do you have for aspiring writers? Join ACFW and other writing groups, and pray for God’s guidance along the whole journey.
Find Rose online: website, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Find Roses’s books online: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, Oyster, and Scribd.
On Kobo: |
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Really enjoyed the interview. I have read and loved Surrender to Peace.
Thanks for hosting me Hallee. As I said in the interview, I pray all my writing brings people closer to God, so I hope this interview blessed your readers. And if they have a chance to read your books or mine, I hope they receive a blessing from them, too.
Thanks, Ann Ellison, so glad you liked it and hope you get to travel to Puerto Rico someday to see the beautiful sites and nature there!