Welcome to Readers Write to Know! I asked you, my readers, what questions they would ask their favorite authors if given the chance. This week, I am so pleased to introduce Angela Meyer to you. As the wife of a solider, I always love introducing you to military families, and Angela is the mom of a Marine so she fits right in here. Angela’s book, Where Hope Starts, sounds exactly like a story I would love reading. I hope you enjoy her interview as much as I did!
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I live in Nebraska with my husband of 23 years and my daughter whom I currently homeschool. My son graduated from high school last year and is now a US Marine. I have taught Bible classes for over 35 years. I enjoy good stories, connecting with friends, quiet evenings and a good laugh. Someday I think it would be cool to vacation by the ocean and have someone else cook all my meals. Taking a ride in a hot air balloon is on my list of things I want to do for a book launch someday. About the only thing I really collect is books, otherwise I like to collect stuff on Pinterest where I don’t have to dust.
Tell us about your current release.
I like to think that Where Hope Starts is more than just a story. It paints the picture of what God’s redemption and restoration can look like in a crumbling relationship. Karen and Barry both wrestle with old wounds and their life responses to those wounds. Addictions have invaded their lives and threaten to destroy what they once had. With the help of God, they each come face to face with their need to offer forgiveness as well as to seek forgiveness from each other.
What’s the first major news headline that you can remember and what do you remember? (ie. Moon Walk, Watergate, Pope being shot)
Watergate. I don’t remember the details, but my sister was doing some sort of research paper or report for class and she chose Watergate. I remember her cutting out all these news articles and saving them.
Have you always wanted to write a book?
I have to laugh at this. I never thought I could write enough words for a novel. I first wrote poetry then on to encouragement articles and kid’s books. Not until a fellow writer in my critique group said, “I want to see more detail” did I think about it. I thought it was crazy, but decided to take the plunge and attempt it. I’m glad I did.
Do you have your plotline and character development already laid out before you begin writing a book, or do they develop as you write?
A little bit of both. Once an idea is sparked, I begin thinking about the story and the characters. For the plot, I jot down ideas for a while then finally write a high point outline to be sure I cover everything I want to have happen in the story. From there, it fills out as I go.
As far as the characters go, when one waltzes into my head, it’s like I already know them. I do fill in their backstory, but as far as personality and such, they tend to just be there in my head.
Do you write your books for your own enjoyment or more for what you think people would want to read?
More for myself. I enjoy seeing the story unfold at my fingertips. It’s very satisfying when it all comes together. Also, the books I have written so far have been in part inspired by things I have wrestled with myself. Not so much true events as the themes are true to life. But I believe those themes are common and I hope my books will encourage whoever reads them.
What do you do when you hit a roadblock and have NO idea what to write?
This usually happens when I’m very tired. Usually for blog posts and such. For my books it might be a scene I’m having difficulty working out. If I keep trying to push, it usually doesn’t happen. If I’m smart, I step away and take a break. If I can get somewhere quiet and think I usually can figure it out. Of course, it’s often while driving, in the shower or after I crawl in bed that inspiration hits. Then I just pray I can remember it all.
What is one thing that you “never saw yourself doing” and either do it now or have done?
Being active on social media and building my own website. Three years ago, before I was offered a contract, I was barely active on my personal Facebook profile. I didn’t realize the importance of social media in building a platform. When I look back, it’s hard to believe everything I have learned to do online and have actually accomplished. And I’m still learning.
You can find Angela Meyer at her website:
You can find Angela’s books on Amazon at this link.
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Enjoyed reading the interview with Angela!