Interview: Author Kimberly Payne & Giveaway!

Welcome to Readers Write to Know! I asked you, my readers, what questions they would ask their favorite authors if given the chance.

Any of you who have ever followed me on Hallee the Homemaker know that two things are of great interest to me: spiritual health and physical health.  I was so excited to interview her last year with her Fit for Faith, which is all about spiritual AND physical health.

Her most recent publication is Trees of the Book is a 26 page children’s activity book, #1 in the Science & Faith Matters Series. It explores the trees discussed in the Bible in a way that is both fun and informative for children ages 7-9. I LOVE Biblical science, and her upcoming release is Adam’s Animals – Fun Facts about God’s Creation, a children’s activity book that features more than 40 animals mentioned in the Bible and little-known facts about each! I am going to get this entire collection for my 5 & 7 year-old sons.

Kimberly is also giving away a copy of Trees of the Book – Learning from God’s Creation ( ) to one commenter on this post! Thank you, Kimberly!

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am an author and speaker living in Canada. In March 2013, I released my first children’s book in the Science and Faith Matters series, called Trees of the Book – Learning from God’s Creation, a colourful introduction to trees, leaves and their corresponding Bible stories.( )

Kimberley Payne (2) 2. Tell us about your current release.

I’m working on the second book in the series, Adam’s Animals – Fun Facts about God’s Creation, a children’s activity book that features more than 40 animals mentioned in the Bible and little-known facts about each. It’s ideal for 6 to 9 year olds, for home or school use and classroom sharing in grades 1-3 to supplement the Life Sciences Curriculum on Animal Life.

The book is still in manuscript form and I am hoping to bring the project to life with the direct support of friends, colleagues and family. Backers who pledge a minimum of $15 through Kickstarter will receive an autographed copy of Adam’s Animals.

3. If you knew ahead of time your book would benefit only one person on their spiritual journey, would you still write it?

Absolutely!  It’s a book that’s been on my heart for many years. I’d love for it to make a difference for many children, but if it helps only one child grow closer to God, I’d be thrilled.

 4. Do you feel pressured to compromise your standards in order to reach a larger audience or be more successful?

That is one of the reasons I’ve chosen to self-publish. I don’t need to compromise my standards and can create the product I feel God’s placed on my heart.

Trees of the book5. How do you push past the fear of your writing being average and be bold enough to sell it to a publisher(or agent or audience if you self publish)?

Prayer! I pray and I ask for prayer from other writers and my church family. I don’t think I could be in this creative world without the protection of prayer.

6. What is your personal, most effective way to get past writer’s block?

A good nap! I find that as I start to drift into the sleep stage, my mind is flooded with ideas. When I wake I’m refreshed and ready to write again.

 7. What inspired you to start writing, or did you always want to write?

I can’t not write. I started writing as a child journalling my travels and writing in a diary. I wrote poems as a teenager and stories to entertain my girlfriends. As an adult, I keep a journal where I can write about my day and process my world.

 8. How did you determine whether to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher?

I lack patience and so have always resented the long waits and timelines of traditional publishing. I self-published because it fit my own schedule.

1 Fit for Faith Cover9. Have you always wanted to write a book?

Yes, it’s been on my “bucket list” since I was young. Although my first books were for women, I always wanted to write a children’s book.

 9.What is your preferred method of writing? (computer, pen & paper, etc.)

I like both. I usually start with pen and paper – writing in my journal – to flesh out my ideas. Then I move to the computer where it’s easy for me to cut and paste.

Author Links



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Kickstarter Campaign:  Short url for easy sharing:
a Rafflecopter giveaway



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  1. Thanks so much for hosting me again on your blog!

  2. Kimberley,
    What a great interview. Exciting to see how God works, isn’t it?

    • JenniferB on February 16, 2014 at 15:27
    • Reply

    my favorite children’s book is God gave us love

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