Hallee Bridgeman

Interview: Janet Perez Eckles

I am so excited today to introduce to you Janet Perez Eckles.  Janet is beyond inspiring.  She writes inspirational non-fiction.  She gets ideas while parasailing.  And, she’s completely blind.  What an encouragement to anyone!  Please enjoy this interview, as she answers the questions posed by you, as much as I did.

1.  Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Born in Bolivia, I  brought with me my Latina  flair, and passion for life. Both of which  set the tone for my books, magazine articles and keynotes I delivered across the country.

And…almost forgot, I’m completely blind. So, I teach folks to see the best of life too.

2.  Tell us about your current release.

Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta  danced its way to #1 in Amazon in August, 2011. But more importantly it continues to dance inspiration in thousands of readers’ hearts.

3.  What inspired you to start writing, or did you always want to write?

After I lost my sight completely, God nudged me a bit, showing me what I  could still do—hear, talk, walk, love and  know how to find  joy in everyday life. Then stories, insights and episodes with colorful descriptions swirled in me. Eventually they filled lines and chapters of my  writing.

4.  How did you determine whether to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher?

I did both. First book was self-published. Then God put an agent in my life and  my second book was traditionally published.

5.  Have you always wanted to write a book?

No. But I always wanted to make people feel better, feel important and loved. Then I found that God’s path was for me to do that through my writing.

6.  Do you have pre-determined length in mind when you first begin a book?

No. The writing flows, the chapters form and the contents follow the theme till I reach a conclusion.

7.  What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

To be humbled, be patient, learn to accept critiques, accept closed doors and when God opens one, dash through it holding on to His hand.

8.  What is your preferred method of writing? (computer, pen & paper, etc.)

Computer, using a software that reads the screen…technology is wonderful and God is so very awesome to provide it.

9.  What is your inspiration for writing?

Life’s events, setbacks, trials, challenges and victories along the way.

10.  Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever had a great writing idea?

While parasailing in Cabo San Lucas. There I was, way up there, my hair blowing in the wind. But being blind, I thought The experience was a tad over-rated.

Then I thought about writing about disappointments in life, they come on land, at sea and even up in the air.

11.  Who were some of your favorite authors as a child? (Book series, maybe?)

As a child in Bolivia, the only one that stands out is Aesop’s Fables.

12.  Who do you envision your typical reader to be?

That woman  itching for something better, for significance,  victory and  looking for joy. The woman who makes the decision to accept  the freedom God offers, accepts His ways to conquer fear and chooses to live a life rich with security and confidence.

13.  I’m always intrigued by how writers get started…did you always have these books inside you and knew that you wanted to write them or did the idea just pop into your head one day and you decided to put pen to paper?

When I first wrote my story, the chapters flowed, but the insights and inspiration came with much thought, study and prayer.

14.  Do you write your books for your own enjoyment or more for what you think people would want

I write what I would like to read—stories that impact,  and with details that are engaging. I write with passion that leaps into the heart because that’s exactly what I like to read.

15.  I assume when you start a book, you pretty much have the plot laid out. Do you ever change your mind later on in What is one thing that you “never saw yourself doing” and either do it now or have done?

Traveling by myself across the country and other countries. Using the white cane, I head to speaking engagements often encountering lots of adventure. I pack  courage and faith in the suitcase of my heart.

Want to find Janet Online?  Here’s how!

Two-minute video about Simply Salsa: http://bit.ly/qKo80w

Get your copy of Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta at: http://amzn.to/pwDntn

Visit Janet: www.janetperezeckles.com

 Facebook: www.facebook.com/janeteckles

Twitter: http://twitter.com/janeteckles

YouTube: www.youtube.com/janetperezeckles

Blog: www.janetperezeckles.com/blog

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