I Need Your Help: Apple & the iTunes Store

In order to publish directly with Apple’s iTunes store, they require a Mac operating system.  Since we’re a PC family, we had to utilize a third party distributor in order to publish on Apple.  At first we used Smashwords, and then we switched to Ebookit.  Not really enjoying the lack of control at either place, we finally invested in a (used) Mac mini desktop for the purpose of publishing directly with Apple.


It took us a while to get all of the other books down.  On Friday, we discovered that all of my inventory was finally cleared from Apple.  So, we uploaded my books, worked through the issues of having to figure out a whole new medium, and yesterday all of the final everything was finished and the books went live at the iTunes store.


HOWEVER, in so doing, we’ve stripped all of the reviews and the rankings because these are essentially new uploads.  So, every book has no reviews and the rankings are obsolete.

SO — please go download Greater Than Rubies for free.  Especially if you got it from Apple to begin with.  And, if you could, please leave me an honest review so that my presence within Apple’s metadata can get reinstated.

Thank you!
Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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  1. I have an IPad. Never posted to iTunes, but would love to help!

    1. Thank you!

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