I know I’m putting out a Fri-YAY on a Saturday, but my hubby had surgery yesterday. This has been a super long week leading up to the surgery, and I was sitting in the surgical waiting room at 5:15 yesterday morning and realized I never queued this week’s Fri-YAY deal. But I was too just drained to do it. So, here we are.
I got 8 solid hours of sleep (YAY – we’ll call this day SLEEP-YAY) and I’m ready for a deal!
The biggst reason I’m telling you about this deal today is because, for those of you in the States, there’s still time to get books shipped by Christmas!
Ready for today’s deal?
Go to this link: https://www.halleebridgeman.com/fri-yay
Buy 2 hardbacks of the LOVE AND HONOR series, get 1 free. Ya’ll – that deal is worth $30. Well, $29.99, but who’s counting, right?
Over and over, I’m getting reviews like this one:
All three of these books will be on my forever shelves, and I am hoping for more from this author. ~Reader Review
Do you have a reader on your Christmas list? Have you read this series and want books for your “forever” shelf? This is the best time to get this deal!
Happy reading!