Welcome to this week’s edition of Christian Fiction Friday brought to you by me and my lovely and talented co-host, Alana Terry! This is a chance for Christian authors to post short snippets from their works in progress! Easy and fun!
Here is my offering for the week, from my current work in progress, Flight of Faith, Part 7 of the Virtues and Valor Series.
Helen popped the canopy on Diamond and pushed herself out of the cockpit. As her boots landed on the ground, she saw the two men rushing toward her, one of them with a gun drawn from the holster on his belt. She weakly raised her hands. “I have a letter of permission,” she declared before they even came to a stop.
The man in the officer’s uniform looked her up and down, intense green eyes taking in her leather jacket, pants, and boots. He inspected her with a methodical eye for detail, taking in her apparent age, weight, and state of alertness along with her very American accent. He waved a hand at the gun toting man next to him. “Put that away, Erickson.”
The trip here had taken Helen from Texas to New York to Newfoundland to Greenland to Iceland and finally here. The trip had taken seven days. Exhaustion overrode every cell in her body, and Helen didn’t know how much energy she had left from which to pull reserves, especially standing here with her hands in the air. “Let’s have a looksie at your letter, then, shall we?” he demanded.
“I have to get it out of my jacket pocket,” she warned, her voice hoarse with exhaustion. “Don’t let Skippy here get an itchy trigger finger.” The officer simply raised an eyebrow and extended his hand. She retrieved the letter from her inside pocket and handed it over to him.
After he skimmed it, he looked at her again. “This says H. ‘Troy’ Mulberry. You don’t strike me as a Troy.”
She loved his accent. She didn’t think he’d appreciate hearing it at this point, but she honestly thought she could listen to him talk all day. “Well, shucks, Admiral. We just met. Give it some time to grow on ya.”
He didn’t look amused. She lowered her hands and shoved them into her pockets. “Everyone who knows me calls me Troy. Not my fault people assume that means a man.” Helen slumped down onto the wing of her Na-16. “I’ve been flying for half a fortnight. Think I could catch forty winks somewhere, Admiral?”
He looked at Texas Diamond, dusty and dirty, and back at her. “Where did you fly out of, Miss Mulberry?”
Now, link your Christian Fiction Friday! Here are the rules:
1. Christian Fiction Friday is a blog hop where authors post short (400-ish words or less) snippets from their current works in progress (not published pieces).
2. Keep it PG-13 or lower. No swearing, no sex scenes. If you have a particularly violent scene or deal with a heavy or controversial subject matter, please include a disclaimer at the beginning of your post.
1. Visit at least some of the other Christian Fiction Friday authors each week and comment on their blogs.
2. Don’t offer critiques unless the author specifically asks for it in his or her post.
3. Please include this blurb at the end of your weekly post:
Christian Fiction Friday is a weekly blog hop where authors post snippets from their current Works in Progress. It is hosted by Alana Terry and Hallee Bridgeman.
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Nice excerpt Hallee! Definitely makes me want to read more. 🙂 Is this set during WWII?
Yes! This is the conclusion to my 7 part WWII series.
I love the fun with the name.
With my name, I’ve had — well, not quite the same experience, but I know what it’s like. Fun exchange between Troy and the admiral.
I love her spunk coming out.
Love this character and her sass! Can’t wait to read more interchanges like this one.