Christian Fiction Friday: August 21st

Welcome to this week’s edition of Christian Fiction Friday brought to you by me and my lovely and talented co-host, Alana Terry! This is a chance for Christian authors to post short snippets from their works in progress! Easy and fun!

This week, have been writing a Christmas novella that is a second generation Jewel Series titled Christmas Star Sapphire. It follows the story of Madeline Viscolli and Joe Westcott. Here is a snippet from Chapter 3:

“Morning, Joe,” the seventy-year-old owner Paula said. “Little early for this cool weather, eh.”

“If the air were drier, it would be a lot better. After that ride, I could do with some of your hot coffee.” He removed his bike helmet, fastened the chin strap to the shoulder strap of his bag, and absently and pointlessly attempted to smooth his hair back down.

“Fresh pot’s brewing right now. I’ll bring it on over to you when it’s ready. Take a seat.”

starsapphireHis eyes scanned the room and he spotted Barbara Mullins, the reason for the early morning meeting. The sophomore from Birmingham had her head bowed and sniffled into her paper napkin. As Joe approached, he felt his steps pause when he saw Madeline Viscolli seated across from Barbara. As soon as he recognized her, he waited for the skip of the beat of his heart and the catch of his breath. When he expected to see her, he could usually brace himself and control it. But the unexpected times, like this, actually took his breath away and made him feel nervous, jittery, and uncharacteristically shy.

He had seen a lot of beautiful things in his life. He had seen sunrises and sunsets over crystal seas that would envelop every sense like a symphony. He had seen longboats and yachts hand crafted with the finest attention to the smallest detail that soared over the water like sea foam. He had seen beauty in his lifetime. But he had never seen anything as beautiful as Madeline Viscolli.

Now steeled against the feelings, he felt he could safely approach the table. He mentally wished Barbara would look up and scoot over to accommodate him, but she didn’t even see him walk up. Instead, Madeline looked up at him, her ultramarine eyes shining like sapphires, and a warm smile lit up her face.

He wondered, absently, how a woman devoid of any makeup, wearing a worn out Florida Gators sweatshirt with her hair piled on top of her head could possibly look so beautiful that her loveliness could steal a grown man’s breath. As she moved over for him, he took the time to slip his bag over his head and set it on the ground next to the table. When he slid into the booth, his hip and thigh brushed up against Madeline’s.

Now it’s your turn! Just link your Christian Fiction Friday! Here are the rules:

1. Christian Fiction Friday is a blog hop where authors post short (400-ish words or less) snippets from their current works in progress (not published pieces).

2. Keep it PG-13 or lower. No swearing, no sex scenes. If you have a particularly violent scene or deal with a heavy or controversial subject matter, please include a disclaimer at the beginning of your post.


1. Visit at least some of the other Christian Fiction Friday authors each week and comment on their blogs.

2. Don’t offer critiques unless the author specifically asks for it in his or her post.

3. Please include this blurb at the end of your weekly post:

Christian Fiction Friday is a weekly blog hop where authors post snippets from their current Works in Progress. It is hosted by Alana Terry and Hallee Bridgeman.

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  1. Love your writing, and can’t wait to read it when it’s finished!

  2. This is cute. I like the way you describe his emotions. Schoolboy crush, it sounds like!

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