Category: Life

Jesus, Yeshua, God With Us

During the Christmas season, in many households and many communities, the focus is on Jesus — specifically on baby Jesus. While it’s exciting to think about God the Son becoming flesh and dwelling with us, we often focus so much on the infant child and forget the absolute magnitude of Jesus – Yeshua – God With Us. He is almighty and all powerful, and He IS the common thread sewn throughout the Bible.

Our church’s Christmas production focused on the power of the name of Jesus, and the following is pulled from that production. This is one of those that should be printed out and saved – a reminder of the glory of God and the Eternal presence of our Christ.

Stylin’ White Board

I tried to work without it, but honestly, I was a little bit handicapped. I tried using a notebook with a pen, but it wasn’t the same. My white board is an organizational tool that my brain uses as a leftover to my career days when I had two huge white boards going in my office at all times. It think better using one. I plot better. I write better.

But there was no way that big ugly thing was coming into my dining room.

What Veteran’s Day Means to Me

I love this country. It is truly the greatest country on earth, with so much promise and potential. I get annoyed a lot of times at gluttony, greed, laziness, entitlement, etc., and I sometimes forget and let those feelings overshadow the fact that there is so much good here, so much hard work that built this land — that we live in a land that people actually die trying to get to.

I am so proud of the military legacy of my family. I pray that my sons continue it, and continue to fight for and stand for America. Here is my annual “What Veteran’ Day Means to Me” posting of the honor of my family’s service to our country:

At the Library!

Then, a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine contacted me and said that her mother had read the first two books, but that the library told her they were having a hard time getting the third book.

I was so surprised to hear that my books were there!

Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings are my quiet mornings. Gregg and Kaylee typically sleep in – they’re the sleepers of the family. The boys don’t really sleep in (5:30 this morning), but once they’re up and I feed them (the only morning of the week I give them cold cereal), I put in a full length feature film for them (Spider-Man 3 this morning), and spend the next 90-120 minutes surfing Pinterest uninterrupted.

Best Laid Plans…

I feel a little bit like a fraud. “Christian Homeschooling Mom Enrolls Special Needs Child in Public School.” I don’t know how a family so strongly homeschool minded could end up with not one, but two children in public school and a 4-year-old in a preschool. However, despite what WE thought was best, God has intervened and taken us on a different direction.