Category: 3. Emerald Fire

Celebrate May with Emerald!

In celebration of the emerald being the traditional birthstone for the month of May, ebooks of Emerald Fire, Book 2 of the Jewel Trilogy, will be priced at 0.99!

Reader’s Guide Editions

By popular demand, I have released two bundles for the Jewel Trilogy series. One bundle contains Sapphire Ice and Greater Than Rubies, and the other contains Emerald Fire and Topaz Heat.

What makes these bundles so special? I’m glad you asked…

Each bundle contains a luncheon menu complete with full recipes.

Amazing 5-Star Review

Just finished The Jewel Trilogy and am so emotionally moved I almost feel drained. I have never read such great Christian romance ever, and I have been reading for years, through hundreds and hundreds of books.

Love: The Perfect Gift for Valentine’s Day — 25% Off!

What better gift to give – or receive – than love? In my Jewel Trilogy, three half-sisters, Robin, Maxine, and Sarah, share one nightmarish past. With the world and the scars of the past against them, can the three of them find love and learn to live a life of faith? If you live in the States and contact me today or tomorrow, I can get you any (or all) of my love stories by Thursday. These books tell beautiful stories of romantic love and the love of God, and how both loves can transcend even the worst of circumstances.

Click each title below for information on where to purchase the ebooks, or contact me at and I can mail you paperbacks directly via the USPS! The prices are listed in each description — if you order a paperback directly from me by 3PM EST February 12th, you will save 25% on each book!

Super Black Friday to Cyber Monday Sale!

Beginning at 12:01 a.m. EST Friday morning, and ending at 11:59 p.m. EST Monday night, all of my books will be on sale!

In e-book form they will be only $0.99!

In autographed paperback, they will be only $6.99 plus shipping!

Emerald Fire 3D

Romancing the Book: Emerald Fire

…what follows is the utterly magical story written by the fabulous Hallee Bridgeman…The author tells and showed me as reader just how important having God in our lives is. I loved how the author expressed the characters emotions with such passion,it had me in tears both of joy and sadness.