Category: Blog

Welcome to my blog! Please feel free to leave a comment - I love to hear from my readers! Also, check out this week's interview with a Christian author. There are always giveaways with these interviews!

Today’s Word of Promise

Today, I listened to Matthew 9 through Matthew 1.

Like the beginning of Matthew, this section is so full of Christ and so many profound words. But, one part did stand out to me:

Interview with Christina Rich and a Giveaway!

Welcome to Readers Write to Know! I asked you, my readers, what questions they would ask their favorite authors if given the chance. This week, I am so pleased to introduced to you fellow member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, Christina Rich. I love anyone whose advice for aspiring authors is, “Delight yourself in the Lord.” Christina just launched her Love Inspired Historical, The Guardian’s Promise, and she’s giving away a copy of it to one of you! So, check out the Rafflecopter below!

Christmas Diamond on Kindle

A friend of mine downloaded Christmas Diamond from Amazon onto her Kindle, and it only contained 2 chapters. This was recently, and since thousands of people have downloaded that book since its release in late November, I thought the glitch must have been on her end. However, in a review, someone said their Kindle copy stopped about halfway through the story.

Today’s Word of Promise

Today, I listened to Malachi 2 through Matthew 9.

It would be nearly impossible to remark on any one specific thing that stands out to me when I listened to the end of the “Old Testament” with God’s own words and then the beginning of the Gospel According to Matthew, which contains everything from the Sermon on the Mount through the Lord’s Prayer and into Christ’s ministries on earth.

Iron Skillet Man, Book 3 in the Parody Cookbook Series is NOW AVAILABLE!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a cookbook!

Move over men of steel! Make room mutants, aliens, and chemically or radioactively enhanced rescuers! Prepare to assemble your spatulas and get your “Flame on!” while the heroic Hallee the Homemaker™ (whose secret identity is Christian author and blogger Hallee Bridgeman) swings into action and shows her mettle with her third title in the Hallee’s Galley parody cookbook series.

Interview with Justina Prima!

This week, I am so honored to introduce to you Justina Prima. Justina is an Army brat (like me!), a Marine mom, and a grandma of three, who has written an absolutely fascinating book called The Pawnbroker’s Ring. I have totally fallen in love with the premise of the book. In the interview, you’ll see Justina mention her sister, to whom she dedicated the book. Justina’s sister, Anna, was her greatest support. I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I enjoyed giving it.