Category: About Hallee

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 12

Day 12: Something you don’t leave the house without

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 11

Day 11: A TV show to which you’re addicted

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 10

Day 10: Something you’re afraid of

30 days of Bloggity Bloggness: Days 9

Day 9: A habit you wish you didn’t have

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 8

Day 8: A place to which you’ve traveled

When I read this topic out loud to Gregg, we both immediately said, “Abu Dhabi.

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 7

Day 7: Your Favorite Movie

It is impossible for me to answer this question with just one movie. I’ve never been able to pinpoint “just one”. I love movies. I love really good movies with really clever dialogue and really great actors. I love fun action movies. I love thrillers that make you think. I love sagas. I love war movies.

So, here are a few that immediately came to mind and started warring with me as “favorite”: