Hallee Bridgeman

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Most commented posts

  1. An Open Letter to the Waitress at Steak ‘n Shake — 43 comments
  2. Giveaway of All Four Jewels! — 42 comments
  3. Interview with Rosey Lee and a $15 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! — 41 comments
  4. Welcome to the John 3:16 Blog Hop! — 39 comments
  5. A Romance Writer’s Real Life ‘Love at First Sight’ Story — 37 comments

Author's posts

Six Sentence Sunday: The Legend

When he reached the end of the bar he leaned his hand on the grimy surface, trapping the weasel in front of him in the corner, and said in a very quiet, steely voice, “Hi, Billy. Remember me?”

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 4

Day 4: Your parents or siblings

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 3

Day 3: Your first love

I hesitated before answering this one. Honestly, I should say, “My ex-husband.” We met when I was 17, were married when I was 20, and divorced when I was 30. He really “should” be my first love.

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 2

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name

Sapphire Ice Release Date & Blurb!

I’m going through the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb and Gregg is learning everything he can learn about e-publishing and self-publishing. It’s all coming together!

So, mark your calendars. We’re going to discount the first 1,000 copies.

30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 1

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts