30 Days of Thankfulness Day 5

I often post a list of all the things for which I’m thankful on Thanksgiving. But, in an effort to get back into the habit of daily blogging, I’ve decided to do a post a day for the month of November.

5. Johnathan (Jeb)


The next three posts are my three children. I am not posting them in any order other than oldest first.

At 5, Jeb is our absolute joy. I don’t say that to take anything away from our other children, but Jeb is just…joy. He is highly emotional and has a happy nature, which means he is almost always just bubbling over with happiness. A friend at church says often that she wishes she could capture his laugh and just have it throughout her day.

He is ALL boy — superheroes, guns, swords, cars, dirt, dogs — he is everything good that little boys are made of. He prefers running to walking, and prefers running with a sword over all.

He already has a heart for God. He goes around the house signing worship songs, he is the first to volunteer to pray, he is a master at remembering Bible verses, and he LOVES going to church. Topics of faith are extremely interesting to him, and he’ll ask questions until you don’t know the answers anymore.

All he desires is to please – and to be praised. I’ve never seen a child so encouraged by words of affirmation like Jeb. He is also extremely social and has several “best friends” already. He reads on about a 2nd grade level, and can do a lot of simple math in his head – which is a real challenge for his Kindergarten teacher. His recall ability is fascinating.

I am forever fascinated with this youngest child of mine. I know God has amazing things planned for his future, and I pray every day that he stays open to the voice of the Holy Spirit in his life.
Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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  1. Hi Hallee,

    Jeb seems like such a gift! Wonderful post!!! Great idea too because feeling grateful is a conduit to more good 😉


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