30 Days of Thankfulness Day 22

I often post a list of all the things for which I’m thankful on Thanksgiving. But, in an effort to get back into the habit of daily blogging, I’ve decided to do a post a day for the month of November.

22. Access to Real Food

pumpkin stuffed wild rice

I am so thankful that I live in a place where I have access to a Whole Foods, a Trader Joes, a Good Foods Co-Op, and innumerable farmers markets. I have an Arab grocery store where I can purchase products made without pork and local meats raised in good environments, and I have friends who give me farm fresh eggs. I have access to local grass-fed beef and local grass-fed lambs. I also have access to the organic bulk grains and dried legumes that I purchase and store because they don’t go bad.

I know that it is a gem to be so close to so much good food. Even in America, there are places where getting good, organic food is a difficulty. I understand that it’s a blessing, and every time I shop I am thankful to God for the abundance and for the privilege of having access to so many options for real food.


Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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