Day 17: Something you’re looking forward to
Kaylee and Scott get out of school early this year. We have had only one snow day, so they’ll be done for the year on May 18th.
Kaylee’s dad lives in Florida, where I lived my entire adult life until moving to Kentucky. The last day of school, we’re packing up the minivan and heading down to Florida, where we’ll spend an entire week. We’re starting off in St. Augustine and spending the weekend with some very dear friends, then we’ll head west along the Panhandle where we’ll spend the week in Tallahassee.
We have so many good friends there. Our calendar is filling with lunches and dinner plans.
The last time we were there, though, Jeb broke his arm. I’m hoping for no ER visits this trip and no plastic bags over casts during pool time!
For the first time in the almost 5 years since we moved here, I REALLY MISS my friends in Florida. I think because the boys are older, I’m less exhausted, and traveling is so much more fun. I can’t wait — 6 more weeks!
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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