30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 12

Day 12: Something you don’t leave the house without

When my husband, Gregg, was in Afghanistan, the answer to this would have been my phone.  I had my home phone and my cell phone set to ring simultaneously, so that wherever I was, whenever I was, he could reach me.

Since he’s been home, though, I tend to not think about my phone so much.  I try to remember it if Kaylee isn’t with me, but she can always get a hold of Gregg if she can’t get me, so it’s less vital that I have my phone.

So, as I read the question, I wasn’t positive what the answer would be.  What do I have with me everywhere I go?

A purse.  That’s a definite.  Sometimes it’s a small purse, sometimes it’s the big bag that has mommy-survivalness happening in it.  But the purse is always with me.  And, no matter what size of purse I have, two things are always in it: my wallet and my slim purse Bible.

I always have that Bible with me.  When I’m waiting to pick up a child, or when I’m in a waiting room, or even if I’m just eating a meal out alone (HA!  Like that happens) I read my Bible.

Do you have something that you don’t leave the house without?
Hallee Bridgeman Precious Signature

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