April 2014 archive

Interview with Medical Thriller Author Richard Mabry and a Giveaway!

I am a LONG time fan of medical thrillers. I think I am fascinated by the science as well as the thriller part of the story. Richard is a retired physician and medical professor, which means that his science is going to be scary accurate – as only the best medical thrillers are.

(An aside: My main character in A Carol for Kent is named Carol Mabry! How cool is that? It’s not a common last name.)

Please welcome Richard Mabry. I hope you enjoy his interview as much as I did.

Please Help A Melody for James Final in the Prestigious RONE Awards!

A Melody for James, Book 1 in the Song of Suspense Series, is up for InD’Tale Magazine’s prestigious RONE Award in the Inspirational Category.

Phase II of the awards is a public vote.

She GOT It!

Hallee Bridgeman is such a great writer! She uses fiction almost like how Jesus used parables…to teach and portray a truth. I don’t normally write reviews, I just don’t have the time, but this author is definitely worth the review.

Today’s Word of Promise

Today, I listened to Matthew 24 through Mark 5.

In the end of Matthew, I listened to Christ’s arrest and crucifixion. Having the sound effects really adds to the experience of reading what’s happening. It was such a strong message.

The part that stood out to me today came from the beginning of Mark 3:

Interview with Author Tracy Krauss

Welcome to Readers Write to Know! I asked you, my readers, what questions you would ask your favorite authors if given the chance. This week, I am thrilled to introduce you to multi-published Christian author Tracy Krauss. When I first ventured into this publishing journey, Tracy was one of the first names I came across, and our paths have crossed many times. I am so happy that she has joined us here today.

Fan Groups!

I’m so excited to share that I’ve started two fan groups on Facebook! One group is for Fans of The Jewel Series and the other is for Fans of the Song of Suspense Series.

The groups are casual. They’re there for fans of the series to talk about their favorite books, characters, plots, surprises (with spoiler warnings, of course!), lines, scenes, underlying messages — WHATEVER a fan wants to talk about — this group is there to talk. If you are a fan, this is your group